Sunday, November 8, 2009

Toys R Us- Get 7 Hasbro Games for $3.93 Total!

Stop by Toys R Us this week for a fabulous deal on Hasbro games. Here’s the scoop. Hasbro has teamed up with Toys R Us to offer $69 in mail-in rebates on games.

After rebate you’ll be able to get preschool games like Candy Land, Chutes & Ladders, Memory, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Don’t Break the Ice and Ants in the Pants for just $1.99. You’ll pay $3.99 at Toys R Us, but each is eligible for a $2 rebate.

Even better, when you spend $25 on Hasbro games, you’ll get a $10 Toys R Us gift card. Here’s what you could do:

Buy 7 games for $27.93
Apply for $14 in rebates ($2 for each game)
Receive $10 gift card
Spend $3.93 on 7 games!

Quick note that you must purchase only one of each $3.99 game since you may only apply for each rebate once. Also, the themed or character versions of the games are not eligible for this rebate offer (e.g., Disney Princess edition of Chutes & Ladders).

Don’t forget that these games can make great birthday gifts too, so it’s a great time to stock up! There’s also a coupon on the front of this week’s Toys R Us ad to get you a $10 gift card when you spend $75 or more.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good deal, I was thinking about doing this
