You can get a FREE greeting form the Whilte House by following the directions below. You can do it for major anniversaries, weddings, births, or even adoptions.
How to Get Your Special Annoucement From the White House:
Step 1: Request congratulations from the President and the First Lady for the birth of a baby, an important anniversary, a wedding or an adoption. We have sent in our birth annoucments and wedding invitation to get this.
Step2: Send to White House Greetings Office, Room 39, Washington, DC 20500.
Step3: Include the name and address of the person you wish to receive the greeting. List the date of the event and the names of all parties.
Step4: Expect the person to receive an elegant embossed congratulations card from the White House
Florida Residents: Your Governor, I believe it is Crist, also recognizes major birthdays. Fill out your information Here.
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