On your next trip to Walgreens, peruse the station where they keep the ads to see if you can find one of the new Back-To-School coupon pamphlets. It’s chock full of great Walgreens store coupons that are valid through 8/29, including a $2/1 Huggies Wipes coupons that can snag you wipes for just $0.49 when paired with a manufacturer coupon.
Huggies Wipes are $2.99, if you use $2 off 1 Huggies Wipes Walgreens coupon (Back-To-School booklet) and a $0.50 off 1 Huggies Baby Wipes that are usually in the Sunday Paper or can be found online it will be $0.49 after both coupons!
There will be additional Huggies coupons this Sunday paper.
Other coupons in the booklet:
$1/2 Capri Sun
$1/1 Chips Ahoy
$3/1 Claritin (20-ct. tabs)
$2/1 Claritin (10-ct. chewables)
$1.50 /1 Excedrin Express Gels
$0.50/1 Frito Lay Stax
$1/1 Green and Black Chocolate
$2/1 Huggies Wipes
$1/1 KISS Everlasting Nail Kits
$1/1 Kotex Pads or Tampons
$1/4 Kraft Cups
$3/1 Luster Weekend Tooth Whitening
$1/2 Nabisco 100-Calorie Packs
$3/1 No Doz Caplets
$0.50/1 Ocean Spray Craisins
$2/1 One-A-Day Adult
$2/1 One-A-Day Teen
$2/1 Panoxyl Facial
$1/1 Poppycock
$.50/1 Purina One
$1/1 Sea Breeze
$3/1 Silent Snooz Snore Relief
$2/1 Triaminic
$4/1 Vagistat-1
$5/1 Walgreens Smoking Cessation Gum
$1/1 Wrigley’s (3pk)
$0.50/1 Zone Perfect
$0.15 each Digital Prints
You only need one booklet because it can be used over and over, and the cashier only needs to scan it once for it to come be deducted multiple times on the same order.
That is awesome! I totally going to do that!! Stock up for NOTHING!!!