Have you heard of Swagbucks? Earn swag (gift cards, music, paypal credit etc) by using them as a search engine. Swag Bucks is much like yahoo or google, in fact it is a google search engine. When you are searching for a website, instead of using these other search engines, you can use swagbucks to generate money. Every few searches I do I earn a Swagbuck. Occasionally I earn 2 or 5. Making my search a true money maker. You can redeem these Swgbucks for giftcards to ITunes, Target, Amazon, or you can put money in your PayPal account, and much more. Occasionally they email out a swag code that can be used to get extra swagbucks. My husband has even gotten into. You can click on the banner above or click HERE. You can have fun making money while surfing the net.
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